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Contact details

If you have any question or inquiry, please contact us by telephone or email 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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25 KN 59 St.
Nyarugenge, Kigali, Rwanda

Tel:  +250 788930233
        +250 785363180

Gloria Hotel Oct 2023 20231024_180938.jpg


Why book with us

Located in intersection of 59th and 76th streets, Gloria Hotel is close to almost local businesses, including banks, supermarkets, mall, museums...

200m to Kigali City Council (KCC)

100m to Kigali City Market

300m to Richard Kandt Museum

400m to Sulfo Rwanda Industries

400m to WASAC

500m to Saint Michel Catholic Church

100m to ADEPR Church

100m to Kigali Islamic mosquee

150m to Agakinjiro Market

200m to Bank of Kigali Head Office

200m to KCB Bank Head Office

300m to AB Bank Head Office

400m to I&M Bank Head Office

300m to Equity Bank Head Office

400m to bpr Head Office

500m to BRD Head Office

300m to Saham Insurance

250m to Grand Pension Plazza

250m to Simba Supermarket

350m to Union Trade Center mall (UTC)

200m to M. Peace Plaza Mall

250m to KIPHARMA

400m to Pharmacie Conseil

400m to Kigali City Tower (KCT)

400m to Century Cinema

200m to La posh Hotel

500m to Mille Collines Hotel

400m to Ubumwe Hotel

500m to Marriot Hotel

600m to Serena Hotel

300m to T2000 hotel

400m to T2000 supermarket

650m to Kigali Conference Exhibition Center

400m to CHIC LTD Mall

300m to Downtown Taxi & Bus Park

500m to CHUK Hospital

And many more...

Kigali City Tower

Kigali City Market

Islamic Mosquee

CHIC LTD. shopping mall


KG 14 Ave, Kigali

Tel. +250 788 303 098

Kandt House Museum of Natural History

KN 90 St, Kigali




     * Every last saturday of the month,

all rwandans from 18-65 years old come together in common purpose to achieve an outcome. On this day communities come together to do a variety of public works

including infrastructure development and environmental protection.

During umuganda all shops are closed till 12:00'.





     *Every first Sunday of the month has been designated as a day where city residents park their cars to engage in sports, meet their neighbors whilst they protect the environment because of reduced car emissions. On this day major roads are closed till 10:00' am

GLORIA HOTEL          25 KN 59 ST                Tel. +250 788930233                +250 785363180                Kigali, Rwanda

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